Thursday 29 January 2009

cracked track

you can always tell when there is a problem you can taste it in the air. Sure enough as i reached for the metro newspaper i could see the crowds gathered outside the customer service office. There is always enjoyment in observing humans reacting to this mini-crisis, i overheard a two ladies talking one spoke of how she would 'faint' if forced to stand. I joined the banter and briefed them on the 'delay repay scheme' and in return was briefed about hitler not bombing our (east anglian) victorian tracks. An interesting start to the day and with this i affirmed my desire to go watch tom cruise at the cinema this evening. My friend and political comrade mr eaton is at the front of my train i am at the very back the train is currently static at kelvedon as they are 'investigating' a cracked track ahead. Fingers crossed they resolve this or we will be piled onto buses. Good job i havent any location shooting this morning. If we do have a cracked track it will no doubt be down to the frost outside. Dont underestimate the power of mother nature.

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