Sunday 6 September 2009

Timing is Everything

Working in the media game you now and again inherit a souvenier or two. On Friday I'd been producing a webcast with Vicky Letch intervewing Ken Hom and the PRs not wishing to carrying their products back to base offered me a Wok. The other bonus was I inherited a small collection of vegetables, a nice result. Following a few Hoegaardens to congratulate Anthony Argyhrou on reaching his 25th birthday I got a taxi to Liverpool St. The journey was unusually long and cost 50% more than normal - I think I was done over but I'm not 100%.

After resisting a burger king moment - tho I did walk up to the neon with intent but managed to visualise a curry back in colchester in front of the Tudors with Whitman and Lucy so to the train I went....

I'd nodded to sleep on the 20:48 to Clacton on Friday but incredibly I woke up just in time to get off at Colchester. Now this should have been a straight forward exit however I was flustered and carrying my brief case, a bag of coffee and a box full of food and a Ken Hom Wok, disaster struck....... the beeping sound of the doors about to close began. I had seconds to move and in doing so the box featuring ginger, garlic, peppers, carrots and a Ken Hom Wok, in bits, collapsed on me.

I instantly hit the deck and gathered the key bits I could - amazingly two other blokes did the same and before I knew it I was on the platform with my wok in bits and some bruised vegetables. All was well I was home at a reasonable hour ready for curry and the Tudors before a night's sleep in advance of a journey to Devon to see Muse.

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